Functional Game engine in Scala, Part 4

Posted on October 11, 2017

Debug Information

I have noticed that the colliders seem to be a bit off. It would be nice to be able to render some debug information on all components.

As it is now we only try to draw SpriteRenderer components, we can have a draw function on all components and then let them decide whether something is drawn or not.

Component will implement a default draw method

protected[engine] def draw(world: World): Unit = ()

implemented for SphereCollider like this

override protected[engine] def draw(world: World): Unit =
    if(world.gameConfig.debug) {
      val position = gameObject(world).transform.position

      import GL11._


      glVertex3f(position.x - radius, position.z, 0f)
      glVertex3f(position.x, position.z - radius, 0f)
      glVertex3f(position.x + radius, position.z, 0f)
      glVertex3f(position.x, position.z + radius, 0f)

We can see collision 'kind of spheres'

I could find that there was a bug on the code to calculate the distance between two positions, here the fixed code:

object Position {

  val zero: Position = Position(0,0,0)

  def distance(a: Position, b: Position): Float = {
    import Math._
    val x = pow(a.x - b.x, 2)
    val y = pow(a.y - b.y, 2)
    val z = pow(a.z - b.z, 2)
    sqrt(x + y + z).toFloat


You can see the sources for this project on
